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Joomla 3.x Documentation


Joomla website functionality can be enhanced using various Joomla extensions. Some of them are often used in our templates. This section will teach you how to work with custom extensions.


Acymailing - the subscription component for Joomla!

Here is the main page of Acymailing component in the admin panel. Feel free to check more details at the official website.

This is the settings page of Acymailing module. Feel free to check more details at the official website.

This is the list of the system plugins that are getting installed together with Acymailing component:

  • plg_acymailing_contentplugin
  • plg_acymailing_managetext
  • plg_acymailing_online
  • plg_acymailing_share
  • plg_acymailing_stats
  • plg_acymailing_tablecontents
  • plg_acymailing_tagcbuser
  • plg_acymailing_tagcontent
  • plg_acymailing_tagsubscriber
  • plg_acymailing_tagsubscription
  • plg_acymailing_tagtime
  • plg_acymailing_taguser
  • plg_acymailing_template
  • plg_editors_acyeditor
  • plg_system_regacymailing

Articles Newsflash

The Articles Newsflash (Advanced) module is an enhanced version of the default Joomla Articles Newsflash module. In addition to the default module features, it offers extra configuration options and Bootstrap based module templates.

Additional Options

Number of columns - allows to display articles in multiple columns.

Custom Link - allows you to display a custom link under the module content. It can be linked to the external URL or to some Joomla menu item.

Pretext - allows to display custom text before the module content.

Published Date - displays article published date.

Created by - displays article author.

Show intro images - allows to display article intro image.

Intro image align - allows to align intro images.

Articles Single

Articles single is a module that allows you to output a single article to the desired position.

The only unusual option in this module is Custom Link. It allows you to display the custom link under the module content. It can be linked to the external URL or to some Joomla menu item.


CarouFredSel is an image carousel module developed as a combination of the default Joomla Articles Newsflash module and the CarouFredSel jQuery plugin.

All the necessary carousel options are available in module settings.

  1. Carousel direction
  2. Item width
  3. Visible items
  4. Animation options
  5. Navigation and controls

CarouFredSel plugin has many more configuration options. If you want to add your options, you can edit \modules\mod_caroufredsel\tmpl\default.php file.

Googlemap plugin

Googlemap - plugin that allows to display Google map.

Here is the main page of Googlemap plugin in the admin panel. Feel free to check more details at the official website.

Image Swoop

The "Image Swoop" module is an outstanding responsive slider developed as a combination of the default Joomla “Articles Newsflash” module and the free open source jQuery plugin “Camera Slideshow”. It works perfectly on desktop and iOs or Android mobile devices. Compatible with all modern browsers starting from IE8.

The "Image Swoop" module has various configuration options, you can access them by opening the Image Swoop module in the Extensions > Module Manager section of your Joomla administration panel. All the main "Camera Slideshow" jQuery plugin options can be configured in the module settings area.

Hover the mouse cursor over the option title to see its description. You can also learn more about Camera Slideshow jQuery plugin options on the official website


JoomGallery - component that allows to create a complete photopallery based on Joomla!

Here is the main page of JoomGallery component. Feel free to check more details at the official website. In addition, there is a JoomFancybox plugin that has to be installed in order to work with the component.

Joomla Cookie Directive Plugin

Joomla Cookie Directive Plugin - plugin that allows to display a banner containing a message about using cookies.

Here you can see the main Joomla Cookie Directive Plugin settings. Feel free to check more details at the official website.

Joomla Social Login

Joomla Social Login - component that allows to display login buttons to the social network accounts.

Here you can see the main Joomla Social Login settings. Feel free to check more details at the official website.

Komento Comments

Komento is a comments component for Joomla. It allows you to add comments to Joomla articles.

Komento component can be accessed through the Joomla administration panel in the Components > Komento section.

To access configuration settings go to Components > Komento > Integrations and click Articles.

Using component settings you can enable comments for specific categories and Joomla articles, add captcha, user profiles, etc. You can learn more about Komento on the official website.

Our templates have only standard version of Komento included. To get access to additional features and get complete support services for Komento extension we recommend to purchase Komento Professional. Full list of features available here.

Kunena Forum

Kunena is a forum component for Joomla. It allows you to implement a fully functional forum based on the Joomla CMS.

Kunena component can be accessed through the Joomla administration panel under the Components -> Kunena menu.

You can learn more about Kunena component usage and configuration at the official website.

SW Facebook Display

SW Facebook Display - module that allows to display "Facebook Like Box".

Here you can see the main SW Facebook Display settings. Feel free to check more details at the official website.

SW Pinterest Display

SW Pinterest Display - module that allows to display "Pinterest Board Widget".

Here you can see the main SW Pinterest Display settings. Feel free to check more details at the official website.

SW Twitter Display

SW Twitter Display - module that allows to display "Twitter Widget".

Here you can see the main SW Twitter Display settings. Feel free to check more details at the official website.

TM Addthis

TM Addthis - plugins that allows to display social 'share' buttons .

Here you can see the main settings of TM Addthis plugin. Enter the ID of your profile in the profile ID field. In order to get the profile ID, you need to register an account and create the profile at the following page

TM Ajax Contact Form Module

TM Ajax Contact Form is a contact form module for Joomla engine. This module allows to add contact form on any Joomla page. Data sending is being performed using AJAX requests, so the page is not getting reloaded

Module settings allow to add protection against bot (reCaptcha), set up contact form fields, their labels, set up the email address of the recipient, add the address for CC, error and success messages. You can see the full list of the settings below.

This module settings allow you to manage all of form constructor functions, so you can add fields of any type (text, email, checkbox, textarea). Due to this, form can be customized up to your needs.

TM Ajax Style Switcher Module

TM Ajax Style Switcher Module – is the module that allows to switch color schemes via front-end. The module automatically applies color schemes from the color_schemes\css\ folder of the current theme.

There are no any specific settings of the module in the admin panel, it includes the standard module configuration.

Please, note that on the template live demo the module works in preview mode, using cookies. On the actual website the module works in a full mode and it is available only for the authorized users with the SuperAdmin rights.

TM Instagram

TM Instagram - module that allows to display "Instagram Widget"

Here you can see the main TM Instagram settings. Enter the Instagram profile name in the Instagram username field, enter the desired number of images in the Number of photos field, set the ID of your Instagram application in the the field called Your Instagram CLIENT ID. In order to get the ID, follow the link where you need to register an account. Then, follow this link and create the application. After that you will get your applications data where you will see the CLIENT ID.

TM Olark live chat module

TM Olark is a live chat module for Joomla.

In general settings you should add the website identifier which will show up after registration and filling in all the details at

Our company provides you with "Bronze" 6 months package for free. Use the following link to register.

TM Youtube background video module

TM Youtube background video is a module for adding a background youtube video to your website.

All the available module options are available in settings:
  1. Youtube video link;
  2. Video playback settings;
  3. Mobile display settings;
  4. ”Play/Stop” button settings.

In our templates TM Youtube background video content is presented by loading certain module or position, for example, "{loadmodule articles_single, About us}". In order to prevent Error 404 on your website, please make sure that the name of the loaded module coincides with the one, specified for loading. In this case, the "About us" module should be published and should not contain more than one space in the module name. You can learn more about loadmodule/loadposition at the official website.

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