Ustudi - Onlinekurser Utbildning och universitet WordPress-tema
og体育首页ONE - Obegränsad nedladdning för 12.40$/mån

February 19, 2024:
- Minor bug fixes and updates;
- Better documentation is available;
- Demo-content installation process was improved.
March 23, 2023:
- Additional fixes in code;
- Demo-content optimization;
- Updates for plugins.
November 8, 2022:
- All plugins were updated;
- The fixes were added for LearnPress LMS plugin;
- Demo-content installation process was optimized;
- Sign Up/Login form was improved.
3 Reviews for this product
Un bug récurrent concernant le module Popular Courses. Dommage, le design du site et beau, mais trop de problèmes techniques.
Hello, Dear Customer!
If you have issues with the areas in the theme - please submit a ticket via our support system and we will assist you.
Best Regards!
great template for educationnal website, but it's not easy to install
Thank you for this great review! We are happy to create our products for you!
The template and service is poor, just focused on money for maintenance and you receive a poor service
The template is hard to navigate, the backend / dashboard dont sync up, when you make changes
0 Comments for this product